The life of a rural family physician is a mystery to many of today’s medical students, whether or not they grew up in a rural community. They may have only encountered their own physician episodically or if they have always lived in the city, may have never even met one. This session will focus on one family physician practicing in rural Ohio, who until recent years practiced full scope – office, hospital, maternity care, nursing home, home visits, endoscopy, minor surgery and orthopedics. He has also worn multiple hats including serving on the local school board. Participants will be encouraged through an in-session activity to explore scope of practice questions relevant to their region and will have the opportunity to interact with Dr. Anzalone and facilitator Dr. Longenecker, who have similar practice experiences in the 5th most rural state by population in the US.
Learning Objectives
After this presentation, participants will be able to:
- Describe the varied scope of practice among family physicians in rural practice
- Critically review some of the myths that exist around rural practice – its breadth, its intellectual challenge, and its difficulties and rewards
- Develop their own vision for rural practice, even in the absence of local role models
- Craft a path to rural practice that takes them through rural communities where family physicians still practice as comprehensive generalists.
Pre-Session Review Content
Prior to the January Grand Rounds event, participants should:
- Peterson LE, Fang B. Rural Family Physicians Have a Broader Scope of Practice Than Urban Family Physicians. Lexington, KY: Rural and Underserved Health Research Center; 2018.
https://uknowledge.uky.edu/ruhrc_reports/5 - Stazyk K. For consideration: A career in rural practice, Interview with R Longenecker in AAMC Choices: The Careers in Medicine newsletter, January 2010.
- Explore, “Sort the facts from the myths…”
https://rttcollaborative.net/students/facts-and-myths/ - Videos from rural residencies:

Scott Anzalone MD
Family Physician, Logan, Ohio
Dr. Anzalone is a clinical associate professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, where he is also the Director of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships. He is the owner and CMO of StageCoach Family Medicine. He is the medical director and a board member of the Village Mountain Mission Dominican Republic.