Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) studies have demonstrated that certain types of events, occurring prior to the age of 18, have significant predictive validity with respect to an array of negative health outcomes throughout the lifespan. In the 20 years since the original studies were published, a great deal has been learned about the biological, behavioral, and genetic pathways leading to these outcomes. Addressing ACEs and their effects on clinical practice may be different in a rural community. This session will address those unique aspects of rural practice.
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
- Implement a screening process for identifying ACEs in rural primary care practice.
- Distinguish the consequences of ACEs from commonly mistaken diagnoses, like ADHD
- Inventory resources offered in their local community.
- Recognize factors that may support resiliency in children exposed to ACEs and identify strategies for supporting that resilience in individuals and rural communities.
Pre-Session Assignment
- Read Talbot, Szlosek, and Ziller’s (2016) Adverse Childhood Experiences in Rural and Urban Contexts
- Watch the Nadine Burke Harris (2014) TED Talk: How Childhood Trauma Affects Health across a Lifetime
- Review the Center for Youth Wellness (2015) ACE-Q, Child Form
Pre-Session Questions Download
Answer the following questions. Print your answers to bring to the session