Presenting a case to a potential consultant in a succinct and well-thought out manner is an important skill for rural practice, whether by email, over the phone, or through a telehealth connection. This presentation will showcase the use of the ECHO model to provide meaningful experiential learning and patient care collaborative experience for both primary care providers and health professions students in an interprofessional environment. Integrated into curriculum both in the UNM CON and other health sciences institutions, this clinic prepares our health professionals to be leaders in practice transformation. Using the UNM community problem-based learning model, students and faculty present real patient care cases as a basis for discussion of patient care needs as well as learning issues.
Learning Objectives
After this presentation, participants will be able to:
- Prepare a succinct consultation request, whether by email, over the phone, or through atelehealth connection.
- Articulate at least three of the complex issues involved in telehealth practice.
- Join an ECHO event.
Pre-Session Review Content
Prior to the April Grand Rounds event, participants should:
- Review the RHI Hub: Project ECHO® – Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes: https://www.ruralhealthinfo.org/project-examples/733
- Read the (2016) 10 Questions You Should Consider for Specialist Consultations. The Hospitalist.
- Review the ECHO Case Form
- Complete the Pre-session Activity
Pre-Session Activity
Download Pre-SEssion Activity

Van Roper, PhD, RN, FNP-C
Associate Professor and Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) Clinical Director, University of New Mexico, College of Nursing
Dr. Roper is the clinical director of the Primary Care AHEC TeleECHO Clinic and Associate Professor at the UNM CON. He has extensive experience in rural health care delivery on a national and international level including Native American communities, third world environments, and communities impacted by disasters. He has developed and operated successful telehealth programs focused on support of rural clinicians.