
Participating sites are being recruited through a formal application process in October 2017 for inclusion in Rural PREP Grand Rounds January through April 2018. In applying, sites will:

  1. Agree to present a topic, and identify a local speaker, for one of the months in the Spring semester
  2. Identify 2-3 individuals to play the following roles –
    1. coordinator and primary site contact,
    2. site facilitator for in session activities,
    3. technical support. There shall only be one “Site Coordinator.” One person, however, can fill 2 roles (e.g. Site Coordinator and Site Facilitator, or Site Coordinator and Technical Support; one person cannot fill all 3, and the Site Facilitator should not be the same as the Technical Support)

These rural health professions program sites will participate as groups, meeting together in a local place and not simply participating as individuals, engaging in local as well as virtual interaction with other rural sites during the grand rounds activity. This requires a minimum of 3-5 individuals in person at each participating site. Rural PREP Grand Rounds follows an iterative template and a TBL-like structure adapted to an online format.

Each site is encouraged to recruit one or more diverse teams of participants to reflect all stages of professional development (pre-professional to retirees), and multiple health professions engaged in primary care (nurse practitioners, physicians, and physician assistants). Although the focus is on primary care, students in other specialties and health related professions (e.g. pharmacy) are welcome.

Over time these monthly events will generate a library of topics and durable materials hosted on the Rural PREP website. Programs who are unable to participate live will have web access to an active learning package for teams that they can use on their own local curriculum schedule. The presentation portion of these sessions is recorded (voice over Power Point) for asynchronous access later, combined with written objectives, pre-work assignments, individual readiness assessments, team readiness assessments, in session team activities, evaluations and post-session assignments as an active learning package, for use by any rural program who wishes to conduct a multiple team event in their own location.

Technical Requirements:

  1. Physical space to accommodate at least 6-8 local team participants
  2. Computer with audio, speakers, camera, and live video capability
  3. LCD screen of sufficient size to view as a group an online Power Point presentation

These requirements can be met with a laptop or laptop connected to a wall-mounted screen and networked camera.

Timeline and Template

  1. Participating sites are recruited months prior to the start of the semester, or prior to the academic year
  2. Chosen sites are required to participate for all four months each semester
  3. Each presenting site and speaker will be coached through preparation, starting 90 days before the scheduled event.
  4. For each month’s topic Rural PREP Grand Rounds follows the following basic structure:
    • Pre-work
      • Distribution of topic with objectives
      • Pre-work assignment (Readings and/or video)
      • Individual readiness assessment test (IRAT)
    • Live session
        • Technical check: 15 minutes prior to start time
        • Introduction – Host, Dr. Randy Longenecker
        • Team readiness assessment test (TRAT)
        • Cross-site interaction – Facilitated by Dr. Longenecker
        • Brief live presentation (By a featured program site, 12-15 minutes in duration)
        • TBL in-session assignment and work
        • Cross-site interaction – Facilitated by Dr. Longenecker
        • Host conclusion and social charge

      Team evaluation of the event

    • Post-work (process in development)
      • Social team charge
      • Individual participation on a threaded discussion board