Rural: Objective Reality or Simple Perception


Original Presentation Date: 8/29/2019

Tags: definition / geography / research / rural / Rural PREP

Facilitator Lesson Plan

Rural: Objective Reality or Simple Perception teaching kit contains all you need to host your own team-based, active-learning event featuring work by Randy Longenecker, MD, Professor of Family Medicine and Assistant Dean for Rural and Underserved Programs at the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, in Athens, Ohio.

There are more than 20 federal definitions of rural, yet none of them fit everyone’s perception. In fact, 10 percent of folks who think they live in a rural place are actually residents of a defined urban location! When it comes to rural health and education and training for rural practice, definitions matter, and so do perceptions. A medical student who thinks they grew up in a rural community is more likely to practice rural than another medical student, who grew up in the same community but actually considered it urban. This Grand Rounds will help you negotiate critical conversations on this topic and make good decisions around education and training for rural practice.

NOTE: We anticipate this teaching kit to be relevant until 2025. Rural definitions and the technology for mapping will certainly change with each census. This could serve as a trigger or pre-assignment as historical background even beyond 2025.

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  • Describe at least 3 federal definitions of rural
  • Discuss the importance of clear definitions in interpreting information about rural health and even choosing a place for residency or subsequent practice
  • Explore further the nuances of life and practice in rural places
Randall Longenecker

Randy Longenecker, MD
Professor of Family Medicine and Assistant Dean for Rural and Underserved Programs at the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine


  1. Recruit your teams. Ideally, 4 teams of 3-5 participants.
  2. Schedule a room that can accommodate all your participants and AV to play the presentation.
  3. Distribute the Pre-Session link
  4. Download the Presentation Slide Deck.
  5. Review the Slide Deck. Be sure to look at the presenter notes.
  1. Arrange your participants into teams within the room.
  2. Facilitate your session by following the prompts in the presenter notes of the Slide Deck.
  3. Facilitate general discussion with the full group. Go over any lingering thoughts.
  4. Evaluate the materials on your experience.