Rural pipeline programs can be useful tools in medical education reform to benefit counties with the gain of family physicians and production of health professionals. This webinar featuring Dr. John Wheat explores the role of rural medical educators in further reforming medical education and training and impacting local health care.
This is a descriptive study of publicly available and rurally relevant characteristics of all 182 allopathic and osteopathic medical schools operating in the 50 states and the District of Columbia in 2016, with rural program information for these schools updated in 2019. The authors constructed a “rural program” definition in order to systematically catalog coordinated and strategic medical school efforts to produce a rural physician workforce.
The teaching kit featuring work by Robert Ostrander, MD. will explore the importance of teaching in rural practice to both one’s well-being and to student learning.
Increased medical school class sizes and new medical schools have not addressed the workforce inadequacies in primary care or underserved settings. This article outlines admissions strategies to recruit students likely to practice in primary care or underserved settings.
This webinar convenes a panel who will share their experience and wisdom in navigating the IRB process in rural communities and in the area of rural health.
A microresearch effort led by individuals at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, and Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Mbarara, Uganda
Webinar describing practical methods for qualitative research and evaluation for rural health professional educators, learners, and practitioners
Rural PREP webinar describing the global impact of “microresearch” and explaining how to apply for a Rural PREP microresearch award
Program allowing healthcare students to experience the realities of rural care in Alaska for 3 weeks