Integrating Rural Medical Practice into Public Health


Original Presentation Date: 3/25/2021

Facilitator Lesson Plan

The Integrating Rural Medical Practice into Public HealthTeaching Kit contains all you need to host your own team-based active-learning event featuring work by Chip Taylor, MD, MPH, CAPT, MC, USN (ret), Residency Program Director & Chief Residency Officer at Aviva Health.

On March 25, 2020, the headline in the local paper read, “CDC says Douglas County one of the worst counties to be in during the COVID-19 crisis.” Rural populations tend to be older, sicker and poorer than their urban counterparts with geographic and logistical barriers not seen in urban and suburban areas. Physicians working in rural health systems must be prepared to step up to fill a variety of roles in a public health emergency. This grand rounds will use lessons learned in the early days of the COVID-19 response in one rural county to facilitate exploration of roles, responsibilities and challenges for rural physicians in a public health emergency.

NOTE: Having a family physician present for the in-session activity will enhance the learning experience for your group. Although rural practice in the US will continue to evolve, showing how comprehensive practice can be done is still relevant, if for no other reason than letting history inform our vision for the future.

If you have questions about how to use or to adapt this teaching kit to your setting, contact us to schedule a phone call. We are happy to go over the details. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the interface between public health and the care delivery system in rural pandemic response.
  2. Inventory the public health and care delivery resources in their local rural community.
  3. Describe the various possible roles of a rural physician in a public health emergency.

Chip Taylor, MD, MPH, CAPT, MC, USN (ret)
Residency Program Director & Chief Residency Officer, Aviva Health

Dr. Taylor is a rural family physician and the director of the Roseburg Family Medicine
Residency. He is a retired Navy Captain who served as the Medical Director for Navy
Medicine’s Office of Homeland Security following 9/11/2001. At the onset of the
COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to his other duties, Dr. Taylor was called upon to
serve as the Operations Chief for Douglas County’s COVID-19 Emergency Response.


  1. Recruit your teams. Ideally, 4 teams of 3-5 participants.
  2. Schedule a room that can accommodate all your participants and AV to play the presentation.
  3. Distribute the Pre-Session link
  4. Download the Presentation Slide Deck.
  5. Review the Slide Deck. Be sure to look at the presenter notes.
  1. Arrange your participants into teams within the room.
  2. Facilitate your session by following the prompts in the presenter notes of the Slide Deck.
  3. Facilitate general discussion with the full group. Go over any lingering thoughts.
  4. Evaluate the materials on your experience.