Rural pipeline programs can be useful tools in medical education reform to benefit counties with the gain of family physicians and production of health professionals. This webinar featuring Dr. John Wheat explores the role of rural medical educators in further reforming medical education and training and impacting local health care.
Microresearch is an innovative, mentored research experience, originally developed in Africa and adapted for U.S. health professional trainees preparing for rural primary care practice. This report describes program elements (funding, mentorship, and peer support) that others may replicate to develop research and leadership skills through community engagement to address health disparities.
Since the Flexner Report in 1910, medical education has taken a primarily technical approach to preparing students for science-based medical practice. Adequately addressing the complex problems leading to population health disparities and achieving health equity is not possible through a technical approach to education alone. Inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright, who brought organic architecture to […]
Rural PREP study that examined the purpose and characteristics of rural NP residencies that aim to promote the successful recruitment, transition, and retention of NPs in rural primary care practice
This study explores the history of National Residency Matching Program (NRMP) match rates for rurally located family medicine residency programs over the past 25 years (1995-2020) in an effort to examine the widely held perception that low match rates equate to unfavorable program outcomes and to identify successful recruitment strategies for rural programs and for recruitment to rural practice generally.
This teaching kit featuring work by Van Roper, Phd., RN., FNP-C will showcase the use of the ECHO model to provide meaningful experiential learning and patient care collaborative experience for both primary care providers and health professions students in an interprofessional environment.
This teaching kit featuring work by Mike Shimmens and Michelle Varcho will help Physician’s Assistants, Nurse Practitioners and Physicians untangle the many barriers to their rural job search by introducing tools and resources designed to help those that are looking for rural specific opportunities.
The teaching kit featuring work by Robert Ostrander, MD. will explore the importance of teaching in rural practice to both one’s well-being and to student learning.
This presentation by Jennifer Burges and Marcia Ward looks into the relationship between policy, research, and FORHP with examples of when research has influenced policy and federal programs and when policy has influenced research.
Increased medical school class sizes and new medical schools have not addressed the workforce inadequacies in primary care or underserved settings. This article outlines admissions strategies to recruit students likely to practice in primary care or underserved settings.