Rural PREP Grand Rounds Archives



Integrating Rural Medical Practice into Public Health

This Teaching Kit contains all you need to host your own team-based active-learning event featuring work by Chip Taylor uses lessons learned in the early days of the COVID-19 response in one rural county to facilitate exploration of roles, responsibilities and challenges for rural physicians in a public health emergency.

Engaging Rural Communities in Practice

The Engaging Rural Communities in Practice Teaching Kit contains all you need to host your own team-based active-learning event featuring work by Tiffani Maycock to explore the process and expected outcomes of participatory action engagement strategies in rural communities.

It Takes a Village to Advocate for Rural Health

The Advocacy Teaching Kit contains all you need to host your own team-based active-learning event featuring work by Carrie Cochran-McClain and Josh Jorgensen.

Rural Generalist

The Rural Generalist Teaching Kit contains all you need to host your own team-based active-learning event featuring work by Rob Epstein, MD., Program Director of the Swedish Rural Program in Port Angeles, Washington.

Farm Safety for Children

The Farm Safety for Children Teaching Kit contains all you need to host your own team-based active-learning event featuring work by Diane Rohlman, PhD., Professor and Endowed Chair in Rural Health and Safety at the University of Iowa.

Enhanced Surgical Skills Training

The Enhanced Surgical Skills Teaching Kit contains all you need to host your own team-based active-learning event featuring work by Dave Kermode, DO, and Joel Wells, DO, from Wayne County Hospital in Corydon, Iowa.

Who will join me in practice? Recruiting for rural communities

The Recruiting for Rural Communities Teaching Kit contains all you need to host your own team-based active-learning event featuring work by Randall Longenecker, MD, Professor of Family Medicine and Assistant Dean for Rural and Underserved Programs at the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, in Athens, Ohio.

Presenting Your Case: Making Use of Telehealth in Rural Practice

This teaching kit featuring work by Van Roper, Phd., RN., FNP-C will showcase the use of the ECHO model to provide meaningful experiential learning and patient care collaborative experience for both primary care providers and health professions students in an interprofessional environment.

Demystifying the Rural Job Search: Putting Your Best Foot Forward

This teaching kit featuring work by Mike Shimmens and Michelle Varcho will help Physician’s Assistants, Nurse Practitioners and Physicians untangle the many barriers to their rural job search by introducing tools and resources designed to help those that are looking for rural specific opportunities.

Why Do I Teach in Rural Practice? A Day in the Life of a Rural Preceptor

The teaching kit featuring work by Robert Ostrander, MD. will explore the importance of teaching in rural practice to both one’s well-being and to student learning.

A Day in the Life of a Rural Family Physician

This teaching kit featuring Scott Anzalone, MD, will focus on one family physician practicing in rural Ohio, who, until recent years, practiced full scope – office, hospital, maternity care, nursing home, home visits, endoscopy, minor surgery and orthopedics

Doctor, Can I Trust You?

This teaching kit featuring Katy Kropf, DO, will look at the many societal factors contribute to the health disparities experienced by LGBTQIA patients living in rural areas

Mental Health in Rural Communities

This teaching kit featuring Diane Rohlman, PhD, will explore the need to understand the factors that impact mental health in rural communities and how to recognize the signs and symptoms of distress and to learn strategies and resources that are available to help you or someone else.

Rural: Objective Reality or Simple Perception

This teaching kit featuring Randall Longenecker, MD, will help you negotiate critical conversations on definitions and perceptions of ‘rural’ and make good decisions around education and training for rural practice.

Rural Newborn Care

This teaching kit featuring Brandon Ferguson, MD, will focus on some of the challenges specific to rural newborn care.

Live Where You Work

The Live Where You Work teaching kit, featuring Kate Abraham, MD, MPH, discusses geography’s influence on poverty and access to health care and the difference it makes when you live in the community you serve.

Good Fences

The Good Fences teaching kit, featuring Randy Longenecker, MD, focuses on negotiating relationships in healthy ways, including healthy boundary setting, boundary crossings, and boundary maintenance.

Group Medical Visits: An Innovative Solution for Chronic Pain Management in a Rural Context

The Group Medical Visits teaching kit, featuring Jaclyn Thatcher, RN, DNP/FNP-S, and Jacob Thatcher, OMS IV, explores the potential of Group Medical Visits (GMVs) to transform chronic pain management in rural primary care and the delivery of medical care in the United States.

Addressing Maternity Deserts: A Role for Operative Obstetrics in Family Medicine

The Addressing Maternity Deserts teaching kit, featuring Robert Gobbo, MD, presents an overview of appropriate training and planning for those interested in considering a path towards obtaining the skills, privileges and maintenance of competence in operative obstetrics.

Agricultural Exposures: Organophosphate Pesticide Poisoning and Prevention

The Agricultural Exposures teaching kit, featuring Diane Rohlman, PhD, discusses the dangers of organophosphate pesticides and how understanding the context of application and exposure is helpful for recommending methods for prevention.

Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences in Rural Primary Care

The Adverse Childhood Experiences teaching kit, featuring Neal Bowen, PhD, discusses the array of lifetime negative health outcomes that may result from Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the unique challenges they present in a rural setting.

Gestational Diabetes: Diagnoses and Management with a Rural Twist

The Gestational Diabetes teaching kit, featuring Robert Gobbo, MD, discusses how rural physicians can improve the outcomes of Gestational diabetes (GDM). Care for this population by family physicians in a rural place comes with unique opportunities and challenges.

Alcohol Withdrawal and Detox in a Rural Setting

The Alcohol Withdrawal and Detox teaching kit, featuring Kim Kardonsky, MD, and Dave Evans, MD, explores the role of rural providers in alcohol abuse and detox.

Local Access to Labor and Obstetrical Delivery and Prenatal Care

The Local Access to Labor & Obstetrical Delivery and Prenatal Care teaching kit, featuring John Waits, MD, Chief Executive Officer and Faculty Physician at Cahaba Medical Services, discusses the reopening of rural labor and delivery units.